Let us begin first by explaining what is Diastasis recti.
Diastasis recti is the partial or complete separation of the rectus-abdominis, or “six-pack” muscles, which meet at the midline of your stomach. Diastasis recti can happen due to various reasons, in males and females, but it is most common during and following pregnancy. This is because the uterus stretches the muscles in the abdomen to accommodate your growing baby. One study found that up to 60 percent of women may experience diastasis recti during pregnancy or postpartum.Tof women may experience diastasis recti during pregnancy or postpartum.
In other cases, Diastasis recti can develop in males and females by lifting heavy weights incorrectly or doing excessive or unsafe abdominal exercises. That is one of the reasons why majority of trainers and physicians point out the importance of performing various workouts in correct postures and not to over exert your body.
Some of the symptoms that might suggest you have developed Diastasis recti include:
* You may observe a visible bulge in your stomach, especially when performing abdominal exercises
* Lower back pain
* Poor posture
* Constipation
* Bloating
Can Shapewear help if I have diastasis recti?
In short – yes
But like with everything else in life, the key to success and achieving your goals and results is a combination of elements and choices. Simply using a post-partum shapewear on its own is unlikely to resolve your diastasis recti problem.
In cases of diastasis recti after pregnancy it is important that you use correct type of shapewear best suited to your body type, as well as type of shapewear with not too much compression, as your body is still recovering from the pregnancy. Example of post-partum shapewear is ”Mama Kit” by Maskateer.
Additionally, implementing a daily workout routine will ensure that your body gets everything it needs to recover and restore its healthy structure.
And lastly, but equally important, ensuring that you are on a healthy and balanced diet. Of course, you must take in to account the increased nutrient intake if you are breastfeeding.
So, to sum it up… by implementing a recommended workout routine, ensuring a healthy and balance nutrients intake in combination with appropriate post-partum shapewear – you will be able to see your body transform day by day as a result. Also you will feel great in your body.
Stay safe, stay fit, stay happy.
We did not cover the topic in depth here but if you would like to find out more details about diastasis recti, click on this link
If you would like some exercise suggestions to better fight diastasis recti, you can check out this link